Laughter Yoga for School Staff and Other Professionals Working with Children

Laughter Capital offers various laughter workshops and programs to help professionals working with children – teachers, administrators, support staff, coaches, camp supervisors and counselors, doctors, nurses, psychologists, family therapists, entertainers, etc.
Laughter Yoga sessions for personal health and well being - to help them, as individuals, to cope with the daily pressures of working with children

Training for professionals who wish to incorporate Laughter Yoga as an educational or health activity.  There are several training programs available to individuals wishing to implement Laughter Yoga in their workplace:
Introductory Experiential Seminar

Who will benefit
School staff who are interested in understanding and experiencing the new phenomenon of Laughter Yoga in order to implement it in their school – as a regular activity for children or adults (onsite Laughter Club).


This experiential seminar includes:

  • History, concept, and philosophy of Laughter Yoga
  • Audiovisual presentation about scientific research on Laughter Yoga,   international Laughter Clubs and Laughter yoga for children
  • Laughter Yoga session followed with laughter meditation and guided relaxation
  • Discussion on the benefits of Laughter Yoga and techniques to add more laughter in one's personal, professional and social life.

    At the end of the seminar, participants will:
  • understand the value of laughter as an exercise
  • have experience enhanced energy levels  
  • have learned to "laugh for no reason"
  • know how to change their mood, attitude and coping ability within minutes through laughter
  • have a good understanding of the positive effects of Laughter Yoga for their students
  • know how to use Laughter Yoga exercises to release negative emotions and bring  about an emotional balance for better relationships with colleagues, friends and family
  • have a keen insight on how to apply the wisdom of Laughter Yoga to bring  more joy and serenity to their workplace